About e-bike revolution

Hi! I'm Dave. I'm closer to 100 than birth (just) and I built this site.

I'm an Aussie kid but have been lucky enough to have had the opportunity to live and work in a number of countries around the world. Home base now is Boston Massachusetts.

I recently became interested in e-bikes for a number of reasons but to be brutally honest, the main one is that I was looking for some form of enjoyable exercise to slow the inevitable (for me anyway) middle age spread and to stay relatively fit and healthy as the years go on.

I hate the gym and while I have done a lot of running in the past, it's starting to hurt my knees, ankles and back as the years tick by. So what now?

I've always loved the outdoors and grew up on bicycles, surfboards and snowboards so e-bikes seemed like a good fit. Low impact, accessible, adventurous, outdoors and FUN!

When I started researching the options I found that the things that need to be considered and researched are far reaching. I quickly found the terminology and number of options overwhelming.

So, I thought it might be useful for people if I put everything I learn in one place for others to find and learn from as well. If I can help another person get past the analysis paralysis and onto an e-bike, that must be an okay thing right? Helping people get and stay fit, be outside and in the fresh air and above all to have fun.

Total transparency here - you will find links on this site to other companies websites that offer e-bikes, scooters, skateboards and cycling accessories. Some of these are affiliate links so if you click on them and purchase something on the other end, I may earn a small commission. These help cover the cost of running this site. I appreciate your support.

So that's me. I hope that you find the information here helpful and enjoy your e-bike adventure.

Feel free to reach out directly using the button below if there's something that you'd like me to cover in a future post.

Above all, ENJOY THE RIDE!

About E-Bike Revolution

I'm just a middle aged guy who's trying not to get too fat by keeping somewhat fit but I hate the gym and getting too old for running which is what brought me to e-bikes. Simply sharing what I learn about these fun and practical forms of transport with the world so that research is easier for you than it was for me. I'll also provide information on special offers from ebike brands as they become available.

Subscribe below to learn about special offers on bikes and accessories.

Happy to have you along for the ride!


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Some of the links on my website are affiliate links. This means that if you click on one of these links and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. This helps me keep the lights on and bring you great content.

Thanks for your support!

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